Curriculum Vitae





Habil. Dr. Hability Doctor of Natural Sciences, Semiconductor Physics institute, Vilnius, Lithuania. Dissertation: Methods of analysis and control of deterministic chaos in nonlinear dynamic systems.


Ph. D. Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics, Semiconductor Physics Institute and Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania. Dissertation: Unsteady-state kinetic phenomenon in semiconductors with inelastic and energy  non-keeping  scattering mechanisms.


M. S. Theoretical Physics, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania.



2007 present   The head of the laboratory of Nonlinear dynamics and nanophysics, Semiconductor Physics Institute of CENTER FOR PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY, Vilnius.
1994 – present   Chief Research Scientiest, Semiconductor Physics Institute of CENTER FOR PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY,  Vilnius.
2004 – present Professor of Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania.
19982008 Professor of Vilnius Ped. University, Vilnius, Lithuania.
2002 (2 months) Humboldt grant, Darmstadt University,  Germany.
2001 (2 months)

Visiting Professor, Max Plank Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany.

2000 (2 months) Visiting Professor, Max Plank Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany.
1999 (3 months) Visiting Professor, University of Oldenburg, Germany.
1998 (3 months) Visiting Professor, University of Oldenburg, Germany.
1995 (3 months) Visiting Professor, University of Bayreuth, Germany
1994  (4 months) Visiting Researcher, Humboldt grant, University of Bayreuth, Germany.
1992 - 1993 Visiting Researcher, Humboldt grant, University of Tuebingen, Germany.
1992 (10 months) Visiting Researcher, Humboldt grant, Technishe Universitaet Berlin, Germany.
1981 - 1992 Senior Research Associate, Semiconductor Physics Institute, Vilnius.
1974 - 1981 Junior Research Associate, Semiconductor Physics Institute, Vilnius.
1972 - 1974

Laboratory Assistant, Semiconductor Physics Institute, Vilnius.



  • Nonlinear dynamics and chaos (synchronization and control of chaos, nonlinear time series analysis).
  • Physics of complex systems (including excitable and cardiologic systems).
  • Solid state physics.
  • Laser physics.



  • About 100 scientific publications. Here you can get the pdf files of some recent and most cited publications.
  • Over 60 (about half of them invited talks) presentations at conferences.  
  • Over 40 invited seminars in Germany, Sweden, Italy, Russia.



Over 3000 citations in scientific journals. One paper (K. Pyragas, „Continuous control of chaos via self-controlling feedback“, Phys. Lett. A, v.170, p. 421, 1992 ) is cited over 1500 times.



  • In 2006 awarded via Saint Christopher statuette for scientific achievements (the award is annually delivered to most merit citizens of Vilnius ).

  • Lithuanian republic award for  Theoretical and experimental investigations in the field of dynamic chaos,” 1999.  
  • Lithuanian government grant for Meritorious Science Workers, 1995.  
  • Long-term research grant of the International Science Foundation, 1994.  
  • Alexander von Humboldt Foundation grant, Germany, 1992.





Date of Birth: June 14, 1952
Place of Birth: Tomsk, Russia
Citizenship: Lithuania
Family: Married, wife: Tatjana, sun: Viktoras, daughter:  Viktorija
Languages: Lithuanian, Russian, German, English



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